Kanzlei Stähle aims to be sustainable. Today, the concept of sustainability has not only an ecological, but also an economic and social meaning. Companies have a social obligation to align their business models with the standards of intergenerational justice and with the aim of using as few resources as possible. Kanzlei Stähle accepts this responsibility. Service providers such as law firms naturally have fewer opportunities to align their operations with ecological principles of sustainability than manufacturing companies.
Despite modern means of communication, the Stähle law firm still uses a lot of paper. Despite electronic files, we cannot (yet) do without paper files. We have been purchasing our paper, as well as all office supplies, from memo AG for many years to reduce our ecological footprint. The multi-award-winning memo AG takes over the auditing of our suppliers. Kanzlei Stähle obtains its electricity from the energy company EWS, a multiple award-winning pioneer of ecological power generation from Schwarzwald.
Kanzlei Stähle operates predominantly within the region, i.e. in Berlin and Brandenburg. Schöneberg is not only home to our law firm, but also to the central courts for labour law, the Berlin Labor Court and the Berlin-Brandenburg State Labor Court. Short distances not only save energy, but also time.
Kanzlei Stähle also sees itself as a socially oriented company in terms of sustainability. This not only means that we also advise destitute employees, but also that we conduct very special proceedings involving a great deal of effort, such as the representation of Romanian migrant workers in their lawsuits to obtain their withheld wages during the construction of the Mall of Berlin and the representation of “self-employed” bicycle couriers in labour court. The aim is not simply to enforce the wage claim, but also to draw attention to grievances on the margins of the German labour market and to deficits in social and economic policy.