Kanzlei Stähle
Rechtsanwälte, Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht

The Law Firm

The Law Firm

Located in Schöneberg, Kanzlei Stähle specializes in individual and collective labour law. We offer employees, works councils, staff councils, employee representatives as well as socially and responsibly acting employers our advice, representation in court and support in conciliation committee proceedings in all employment law matters.

In order to increase our clients' competence in employment law, we conduct employment law seminars, some as small group seminars in our offices and some as in-house seminars on site.

Our lawyers have a high level of expertise in handling employment law cases. Lawyer Stähle is a certified specialist lawyer for employment law.

Our secretarial staff are qualified and proofed paralegals. They regularly attend further training courses and are trained by us lawyers in individual and collective labour law and social law issues.

We cooperate with lawyers who specialize in other areas of law in order to provide our clients with competent and familiar contacts for legal issues outside of employment law.

History of Kanzlei Stähle

Lawyer Stähle has been practicing employment law since 1993. He has been a specialist lawyer for employment law since October 2000. Kanzlei Stähle is located in Berlin-Schöneberg, opposite the Schöneberg town hall, at Belziger Straße 74 (see also Google Maps). Since its foundation in 2007, the focus has consistently been on employment law.

Lawyer Rabeah Suma has been working at Kanzlei Stähle since 2023.

In our offices you can also see works on loan from the artist and former professor at Kiel University of the Arts, Uwe Meier-Weitmar.

To view his paintings, click here.

If you are interested in the artist's paintings, you are welcome to contact him via our office.

Kanzlei Stähle

Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht

Belziger Straße 74, 10823 Berlin
+49 30 8535065
+49 30 8534433